Me, Anil and Anand Charity

Monday, February 25, 2008

Last December, I met up with Anil Goteti, a friend from Qualcomm, Campbell. Anil’s simplicity, modesty and friendliness are stand-out traits. But that day he certainly impressed me with his devotion to the Charity that he has started with some of his undergraduate friends from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (Chennai) – Anand Charity.

Before I get into the details of the charity, I should also mention that the other folks at Anand are equally accomplished. I have high respect for Karthik Raghupathy, another key Anand Board member who is currently pursuing his MBA at Wharton. As I learnt more about the organization, I also realized that I knew many of the other board members and volunteers through mutual friends. The fact that this group shared Anil’s traits and passion for social service made me realize that this organization can deliver on its agenda.

The work at Anand made me recognize that I have been too mired in my professional pursuits for quite some time now. I suddenly missed the joy of community service that I cherished during my Rotaract Club days as an engineering student. So, I decided to contribute to the charity’s noble cause as a Bay Area volunteer. My first week in which I passively observed the infectious enthusiasm of the core group has reinforced my decision.

I will give you some details about Anand Charity in the sequel. In the meantime, I implore you to take a look at its website, and I am confident you will be bowled over, much like I have been.

Posted by Vijay Nagarajan at 9:00 AM  


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